
Inside BeeKonnected: Member Public Profiles

Make a profile unique for you!


As a social media user, you want to be seen and have a personal profile page showcasing what makes your business unique. The question is, WHAT do you want it to show? What do you want to be seen as? On professional platforms, the balance between the personal and the professional makes the complete picture of you.


BeeKonnected has made it easy to be seen as the businessperson you want to be seen as, making an impact with a personal banner and professional photo. When another user comes to your page, they will see everything about your business all in one place. It includes a bio, essential business information, pictures, videos, posts, shows, ratings, premium courses, and other offers. Having this information all in one place makes it easy for potential clients and collaborators to understand everything about you. They can even purchase your paid courses and groups from your page.

As a user, this profile is also where you can update your private personal information, such as billing addresses and current cards on file. That way, you don’t have to move around to different places while being confident that your private information is not visible to others. You just have complete control of your information, all in one place. 


Discover the BeeKonnected difference for yourself. Sign up for a free account and connect with thousands of like-minded professionals today. Once you sign up, go to the “You” tab and make your stellar profile!

Written by Dr Annika Sorensen, BeeKonnected Member